Google Rebrand to Alphabet. DOH ! That's right.,..... GOOGLE is not a conventional company... That's.... errrrrrm GOOGLE..... not ALPHABET.

No other company has the cash and global domination to pull off such a numpty branding mistake. But 2 things spring to mind:

Google is accredited with the "innovation". They should have kept that as the master brand. And re-branded the search engine to something else if they were worried.

Alphabet is just a boring "kids" name and doesn't inspire anything out of the ordinary. It just sounds like a playgroup.

The reason why this is a BAD move is that it was inspired by INVESTORS being confused as to exactly where their money was going.

It WASN'T inspired by CUSTOMERS... Very very very bad move.

The statement on this website sounds ANYTHING like an innovative 'out there' company. And could have been a statement from GE... or some some big car company.

I will be proved "wrong" because Google (sorry Alphabet) have so much freakin' cash, they will railroad this big enough and for long enough to make it stick. But any other company would have just shot themselves in the foot.

Fine idea... They just did it the wrong way round... DOH !!!
