Passionate about Value Propositions

Amazingly, the last few blogs have not really been about our core skill.

And that is "Helping clients get to the essence of value propositions".

It is an amazing feeling of liberation when the Proposition... has value.

As marketers and sales teams stare into the vague blur of messy possibilities, a well honed value proposition simply opens up a massive door and sucks customers in.

It's hard to articulate just how powerful the Value Proposition is. And this is mainly because of two reasons:

  1. Many businesses don't even have one
  2. Many businesses 'think' they have one... and it's just a tick-boxing exercise ... and it's useless.

Imagine a hill.

At the top of the hill is "the sale". Your marketing team are firing off rockets to the prospects below... emailing them, interrupting them and generally trying to tell them how amazing you and your products are.

Every now and a again, a prospect engages or interacts on some level and a sales person is sent running down the hill to locate the prospect and talk/present/help them up the hill to the sale. As they come up the hill, the climb is steeper and steeper. The sales guy offers the client a piggy back to make the sale happen. The sales guys work harder and harder. Their legs aching with each step.The prospect gets heavier and heavier.

And, eventually... hopefully... the client buys.

Celebrations all round.

And everyone runs around counting how much was spent on X and how many prospects to leads to telephone calls to appointments to presentations to demonstrations to sales...

And it is all a HUGE amount of work.

But what if you just had a really fantastic story to tell about how completely unique you are - that had massive value to the prospect. (i.e. a great value proposition).... and an amazing reputation as a trusted company that was great to do business with (i.e. your brand). And some eyecatching, cleverly executed well designed communications material that articulated it insanely well (i.e. your MarComms)

I can guarantee that prospective clients would be walking up the hill themselves.

It is like a huge cool, fresh breath of fresh air. It makes everything easier. Everything.

We are ooba:creative. We do marketing. For #Startups and #SMEs under £10m turnover. Who need to launch, grow or get unstuck. And get their greatest work into the world.
